Franklin L. Cary Camp
Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America
6286 State Road 26 East
Lafayette, IN 47905
Telephone 765-447-1990
  Franklin L. Cary Camp
Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America
6286 State Road 26 East
Lafayette, IN 47905
Telephone 765-447-1990

Camp Usage Policies


All reservations are handled on a “first come, first served” basis. Before sending in your reservation form, we recommend calling the Council Service Center to confirm availability of the camp and your preferred site. You can reserve camp space or equipment by telephone, fax, or e-mail. However, reservations will not be held more than 1 week without receipt of fees and a copy of the Sagamore Council Camp Permit at the Council Service Center. Please make your reservation at least 2 weeks prior to your desired usage date. We cannot guarantee access to the camp or your preferred site with less than two weeks notice.


Cancellation must be made one week prior to scheduled arrival or fees will not be refunded or transferred.

Service Projects

Scout units using the camp are encouraged to request a service project from the Ranger at the time of arrival.


Water in the campsites is turned off from October 15th to April 15th. Water is available in central camp.


All campers, staff, visitors and others are required to follow the relevant portions of the Guide to Safe Scouting while in camp. In addition, please…

  • Park all vehicles in the provided parking lots.
  • Remember to check in AND out with the Camp Ranger or his designee.
  • No illegal drugs or alcohol on any Scout properties.
  • Open fires ONLY in provided fire rings.
  • Conduct appropriate unit level Youth Protection Training before arrival at camp.
  • No smoking or open flames in any of the buildings.
  • Always practice TWO-DEEP Leadership. One must be at least 21. The other must be at least 18.
  • Riding in the back of open trucks, trucks with toppers or trailers is NOT ALLOWED at any time.
  • No liquid fuel.
  • No Pets.
  • No tent trenches.
  • No Firearms, weapons or fireworks on any Scout property. See special program requirements for use of the rifle and archery ranges.
  • In case of an accident, please complete the council accident form and give a copy to the Ranger.


Please note that vehicles may not be allowed beyond the parking lot for purposes of unloading, dependent on weather, in-camp population, etc. Units should always be prepared to carry in all equipment. Standard camp policy is: No more than 1 vehicle per campsite to offload gear.

Non-Scout Groups

Our camps are provided as a service to our local Scout Troops. The fees we charge are very nominal and do not cover our expenses. Please check with the Sagamore Council Office for the rates of non-scouts.

Respect Your Neighbor

11:00 is the quiet hour and all youth are to be in their camp area at that time. Please respect the privacy of your neighbors. Do not enter their areas unless invited.

We operate by using the Boy Scout Oath in all matters of policies and procedures for all groups and individuals on Sagamore Council Camp property. Any damages will be assessed by the Camp Ranger.

Special Program Requirements

Use of the Swimming Pool

All swimming activity must be supervised by one or more qualified lifeguards and at least one adult, 21 or older, who is experienced in aquatics activities. The guard(s) must have current lifeguard training, adult CPR certificates, and standard first aid training. The training must be by the BSA, American Red Cross, YMCA or YWCA. The lifeguard(s) must be on duty at pool side at all times the pool is open to swimmers.

Use of the Rifle Range

Groups using the rifle range for rifle, air rifle, shotgun, or muzzleloader shooting (where authorized), must have a range officer, 21 years or older who is a currently certified as a BSA shooting sports director, or an NRA, military, or law-enforcement instructor. This individual must be in charge of the firing line when shooting is taking place.

Cub Scouts may only shoot BB guns and only at a council approved day camp, resident camp, or family camp under the supervision of a qualified BB gun range officer.

Use of the Archery Range

Groups using the archery range must have a qualified adult who is a BSA shooting sports director or National Archery Association instructor or has been trained within the last two years by a BSA shooting sports director or National Archery Association instructor.

Use of Camp Canoes

Groups using camp canoes must meet all SAFETY AFLOAT requirements. There must be at least 1 adult on the trip who is CPR certified. If there are no certified adults who are present with certification cards on hand, use of the canoes will be prohibited.

This page last modified at 3:50 PM on May 3, 2012.
© 2011-2025 Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America